Here’s news from Kevin
Caron. Feel free to forward this email newsletter to your friends and
other art lovers. If you don’t want to receive these emails,
unsubscribe instructions are below. But read on, and maybe
you’ll change your mind….
What’s New?
What’s That?
What Are Your Dreams?
Exhibitions in New York and Chandler, some nice press, a serious case of the pricklies and did we mention major heat? ….
From coast to coast (almost) …
Kevin’s piece Street Urchin got a welcome reception at the GoodConscience Gallery 848 in Southampton, New York, when it finally arrived in early August.
In a rare mixup, Street Urchin ended up in a gallery in Boston, missing the “Fish for the Sea” opening, but gallery Director Lynn Dunham graciously agreed to keep the piece through this event and another sea-themed show.
Read the nice things Lynn had to say on the Street Urchin‘s own page at https://kevincaron.com/streeturchin.cfm.
Meanwhile, Kevin’s piece Torsional Twist is headed for Chandler, Arizona’s four-monthpublic exhibition, which begins in September.
“This was an amazing piece to work on,” says Kevin. “When I conceived it, with its planes shifting from one side to the other, I wasn’t quite sure how I would actually build it, but I knew I could.” More than one person has commented on its M.C. Escher-esque qualities. See the sculpture for yourself in Chandler, or visit it virtually at https://kevincaron.com/torsionaltwist.cfm.
If you do go to Chandler, pop by Art on Boston to see more of Kevin’s work, including Mohawk, another one of his stainless steel “prickly” pieces. Kevin has been having a lot of fun with this look – and feel! Or see Mohawk online at https://kevincaron.com/mohawk.cfm
… In Print …
Street Urchin’s unusual entrance at the Southampton show and Kevin’s participation in the Chandler exhibition was the lead for a very nice feature about Kevin in the Scottsdale Republic. Reporter Barbara Yost did a wonderful job capturing the essence of Kevin’s work and career.
Phoenix magazine’s July feature about Kevin, “Rock ‘n’ Rebar”, also offered some fascinating insights about Kevin, as well as some great photos. “[Author] Kelly [Kramer] picked up on some things about me that I hadn’t really thought about before,” says Kevin. “We’ve had incredible feedback about this article.”
… And in the Studio
Despite the mid-summer temps (100plus) and humidity (brought on by some fortuitous evening storms), Kevin has been working away in the studio.
One project that’s been a high priority is TwinTones, a large windchime composed of an 8-foot, 3-inch steel arc and – natch – two bells.
We thought you might enjoy not only a photo of TwinTones after fabrication, but also the top photo shown here, which was taken after the shape of the arc was formed in the slip roll and before the sides were cut out from full sheets of steel (this makes the side pieces especially strong).
Each bell is held aloft by a specially fabricated triangular steel pin that is held in place with a friction fit, yet is removable for easy transport.
You’ll notice that the base is rather plain. That’s because it will be buried along with its cement footer, allowing the stand to swoop up out of the ground. It will do just that soon – TwinTones is slated to be installed in mid-September.
Möbius, rendering |
Kevin is also working on a set of gates that you can see on the In the Works page. Additionally, he’s begun preliminary work on a very special piece called Möbius. “I love bringing a simple shape to life,” Kevin says. He’s been working on establishing the flow of the piece, in part by building a full-scale “skeleton” of the piece while he awaits some special welding wire. “This is yet another piece I can’t wait to get started on,” he adds.
For other news, sights and sounds, keep an eye on Kevin’s Web site at www.kevincaron.com, which we update often.
So often, people
see something in Kevin’s studio and say – well, you know.
“What’s That?” focuses on a subject that is dear to many peoples’ hearts: tools….
Hot Spot
You’d think we’d have enough heat in Arizona, but sometimes Kevin has to take it to another level.
An infrared thermometer |
Applying some patinas to sculptures requires heating the surface to 200 degrees, and even Arizona isn’t hot enough to do that without some assistance.
Getting it hot is easy enough, using a blow- or welding torch, but how do you know that the surface is at the right temperature?
The answer is to use an infrared thermometer. Shaped like a gun, this battery-powered tool is aimed at the surface in question and the temperature appears instantly. Kevin and Mary worked together to heat the piece, get a temperature reading, then, when the metal was 200 degrees, spray on the patina.
“The ‘temp gun’ is fun beyond that, too,” admits Kevin. “You wouldn’t believe how hot the pavement can get on a sunny day in Phoenix!” (Answer: 155 degrees – ouch!)
Click here for more information about infrared thermometers or to buy your own .
If you’d like to
know more about a specific tool, let us know – we might have
an answer. Email us at info@kevincaron.com
If you’vebeen looking
for a way to make life more joyful and peaceful, a sculpture,
fountain or garden bell might just be the answer. Besides, you
have an “in” – you know the artist! And it’s easy: just email
us at info@kevincaron.com
or call 602-952-8767.
Mention this newsletter for a complimentary visit to your home or office by Kevin, for free insights on how to create a space that fulfills your dreams.
If you enjoyed this
issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a
special piece for home or work, please forward it to your
lucky friend!
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wish (OK, just this one, but that’s one, anyway!).
CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. –
Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – info@kevincaron.com –