Here’s news from Kevin
Caron. Feel free to forward this email newsletter to your friends and
other art lovers. If you don’t want to receive these emails,
unsubscribe instructions are below. But read on, and maybe
you’ll change your mind….
What’s New?
What’s That?
What Are Your Dreams?
Yes, it’s time for Kevin’s big show at Pearson & Company. Kevin was honored when Craig Pearson asked him to have another show this year, in honor of Pearson’s 25th anniversary. Learn more about it below – we’re going to have a ball!
The new feature, “What’s That?” is already a hit. We even got an email asking where to buy last issue’s “centerfold.” We’re eager see the response to this issue’s focus. So let’s dive in!
A scene from last year’s show – a young man ringing Zounds |
Your Personal Invitation
You are hereby enthusiastically invited to two special evenings during the upcoming show “Kevin Caron: Wonders and Wings” where a wild imagination and wild birds come eye to eye.
Held at Pearson & Company – which is flying high as it celebrates its 25th year – the free show brings together birds from Wild At Heart, a nonprofit Valley organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned birds of prey, and the work of Kevin Caron, a Phoenix sculptor whose works in steel and stone often look as if they are light enough to fly.
Kevin is contributing 10 percent of his sales during the show to Wild At Heart, and
Pearson & Company is donating 10 percent of any sales during the two evening events to the organization.
The show runs from Thursday, October 19 to Saturday, November 11, with special appearances by rescued birds of prey that were unable to be released back into nature and are now ambassadors for their species. The birds are attending opening night, Thursday, October 19 as well as Thursday, October 26, 7-9 p.m., during Scottsdale’s famed ArtWalk. “Last year we had two amazing owls, Antar and Flash,” recalls Kevin, who will also be attending both evenings. “They seemed almost as interested in the people as the people were in them.” Valley caterer Just Great Food is serving hors d’oeuvres both evenings. Located at 7022 E. Main St., Pearson & Company is one of Scottsdale’s leading plantscape firms. For a map to Pearson’s, visit www.kevincaron.com/media.cfm
Yertle … the trivet, one of Kevin’s new pieces you’ll meet at the show |
Kevin will be introducing a number of new pieces at the show, including the privacy screen now known as Pandemonious, a new bell named Stomp and an as-yet-unnamed windchime, as well as a new line of fun accouterments for the kitchen and dining room. (Yes, as some of you know, Kevin is also a very good cook and baker, so these whimsical pieces fit right in with his interests.)
“Based on last year’s show, we’re really excited about this year,” says Sam Fox, who, with her husband, Bob, founded and run Wild At Heart. The organization has been recognized nationally for its pioneering work with Burrowing Owls. Fox adds, “This a perfect place for this sort of event, withthe beautiful plants and art, and then the birds of prey, which are nature’s works of art.” Caron’s sculptures, fountains and garden bells are in backyards and parks from New York to New Orleans to California, including pieces for Tucson’s Riverview Park and the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess’s Fragrance Garden.
And come prepared to wander around Scottsdale and enjoy strolling through the galleries, listening to music and munching on goodies during the two special ArtWalk evenings. The October 19 show will be especially lively, as it’s the week of the Cowboy Artists of America show, which always attracts a lot of people to town. So bring your walking shoes and a great capacity for fun!
For more information about the show, including a map to Pearson’s and information about Wild At Heart, call us at 602-952-8767, hit “reply” to email us or visit www.kevincaron.com/media.cfm
For more frequent
news, sights and sounds, keep an eye on Kevin’s Web site at www.kevincaron.com, which
we update often.
So often, people
see something in Kevin’s arsenal and say – well, you know.
“What’s That?” focuses on a subject that is dear to many peoples’ hearts: tools….
Rounding Home
This issue’s feature is one that Kevin first found in one discipline and quickly adapted to another: a 3/8″ belt sander.
A 3/8″ belt sander |
Have you ever been working on a project and need to sand into a tight corner to give the piece that all-around completed look? That’s where this tool, which was originally used for wood, comes in.
As you can see from the photo of the sander Kevin uses, a Makita model, the unit has a long, thin arm with a rounded end. You can sand with the end of the arm or use the flat, straight parts, depending upon where you’re trying to reach.
But that’s not all, as the commercials say. Not only does it have variable speeds, you also can rotate the arm 100 degrees to reach into really tight spots.
The Makita sander is light, too – just 3.3 pounds, which makes it easy to handle.
Because he originally could only find belts for wood, he went through them quickly. They’re easy to reload, though, and they worked relatively well despite the fact that metal is a bit more demanding. Now, though, metal sanding belts are also available. According to the Makita site, you can also get 1/4″ and 1/2″ arm assemblies and matching belts (how’s that for stylin’!).
To learn more about or buy the Makita 9032 3/8″ Belt Sander , click here .
If you’d like to
know more about a specific tool, let us know – we might have
an answer. Email us at info@kevincaron.com
If you’ve been looking
for a way to make life more joyful and peaceful, a sculpture,
fountain or garden bell might just be the answer! Besides, you
have an “in” – you know the artist! And it’s easy: just email
us at info@kevincaron.com
or call 602-952-8767.
Mention this newsletter for a complimentary visit to your home or office by Kevin, for free advice on how to create a space that fulfills your dreams.
If you enjoyed this
issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a
special piece for home or work, please forward it to your
lucky friend!
If you’re really sure you
don’t want to receive MUSeINGS anymore, we’ll miss you, but we
only want to send it to people who really want it. To
unsubscribe, just hit reply or email mary@kevincaron.com
with the subject “Unsubscribe MUSeINGS” with the email address
to be unsubscribed either in the header or in the body of the
email. Kevin’s lovely assistant will gladly fulfill your every
wish (OK, just this one, but that’s one, anyway!).
CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. –
Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – info@kevincaron.com –