Here’s news from Kevin Caron. Feel free to forward this ezine to your friends and other art lovers. If you don’t want to receive these emails, unsubscribe instructions are below. But read on, and maybe you’ll change your mind….

What’s New?

What’s That?

What Are Your Dreams?
We have plenty of news this issue. We also have a new feature, “What’s That?” that we think you’ll enjoy. So let’s dig in!
Kevin Caron’s Studio |
Before giving you the details about Kevin’s upcoming show, we wanted to share some other big news.
Kevin has a new studio. Yes, after much searching, Kevin found a fantastic spot to create his work. Located on 40th Street in Phoenix, the new studio was built as an auto repair shop in 1947, and was active as such until now.
Accordingly, the studio came stocked with an amazing collection of stuff, some of which was probably “original equipment.” Among the tools Kevin inherited are five lifts, which are already coming in handy as Kevin works on some new creations.
Kevin was able to start working right away, yet there’s plenty to do to get the studio shipshape, including selling off some of the sparkplugs, windshield wipers, manuals, etc. that Kevin won’t need. We look forward to having an open house, probably next year, and of course, you’ll be invited! If you’d like to stop by before then, just give us a call. We’d love to give you the “nickel” tour (or would that be the “steel” tour ….?)
Several commissions have been taking quite a bit of Kevin’s attention these days….
…. FlowerShower, a tabletop fountain, is almost completed and ready for delivery. To see a rendering of it, visit In the Works at www.kevincaron.com/intheworks.cfm.
…. Esmerelda, a siren of the sea, was commissioned as a gift. A comely mermaid, she has yet to be bestowed upon her new owners, so you can’t see her just yet, but keep an eye on the site for a true bathing beauty.
… ClearView, a garden bell – or, in this case, a front yard bell – is a new commission that Kevin has been working on. To see the rendering for it, visit In the Works.
Finally, we look forward to seeing you at Kevin’s show at Pearson & Company in Scottsdale. “Wonders and Wings” will run from Thursday, October 19 to Saturday, November 11 with special, free evening events on Thursday, October 19 and Thursday, October 26.
Flash the owl was one of the attendees at Kevin’s show “Wild Dreams” last October |
Once again, Kevin is donating 10% of all sales during the show to Wild At Heart, a nonprofit Valley organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned birds of prey. Pearson & Company is also once again donating 10% of sales during those two special evenings to Wild At Heart.
Like last year, some of Wild At Heart’s very special birds will be joining us at the two evening events, which are held on Scottsdale’s ArtWalk evenings. We’ll also again enjoy delicious treats from Just Great Food, the fantastic Scottsdale caterer.
If you’ve never been to an ArtWalk, or would just like to enjoy a special evening, be sure to mark your calendar now for October 19 and 26. Of course, we’ll be in touch before the show with more information, but we wanted to make sure that you get this special early invitation to join in the fun.
That’s all for now, but Kevin has a number of other irons in the fire that you’ll undoubtedly hear more about in the weeks to come.
For more frequent news, sights and sounds, keep an eye on Kevin’s Web site at www.kevincaron.com, which we update often.
This issue, we introduce a new feature, What’s That? It focuses on a subject that is dear to many peoples’ hearts: tools. So often, people see something in Kevin’s arsenal and say – well, you know. So we thought you’d enjoy knowing what some of those thats are …
Finding the Center
Sometimes the simplest tools are the most fascinating. Take this month’s selection, the spring-loaded center punch.
A spring-loaded center punch |
A center punch is basically a tool with a sharp point that is used in metalworking to mark centers or center lines on pieces to be drilled. To use it, you strike the punch with a hammer to make an indentation.
Once you have a dimple in a piece of metal, it’s a lot easier to make sure you’re hitting the right spot when you, say, lower a drill press bit. But of course, not all center punches are created equal!
Center punches can be as simple as a nail that’s been pressed into service for the task. Most of them, however, are a little more sophisticated. They come in different sizes and often have a knurled surface around their middles that makes it easier to hold them firmly.
But as we mentioned, this is no ordinary punch! Most center punches have no moving parts. This one has a mechanical advantage: a spring that connects its top and bottom sections. No more using a hammer to strike the top of the punch – which can cause the punch to hop (and we’re not even going to mention missing the top altogether and hitting, uh, something else).
You simply hold the bottom in place on the spot where you want the dimple, then pull the top upward, letting it go to set the mark. Voila!
The best part of this baby? It provides a simple yet elegant solution without too much complication or cost. Now that’s a great tool!
If you’d like to know more about a specific tool, let us know – we might have an answer. Email us at info@kevincaron.com
If you’ve been looking for a way to make life more joyful and peaceful, a sculpture, fountain or garden bell might just be the answer! Besides, you have an “in” – you know the artist! And it’s easy: just email us at info@kevincaron.com or
call 602-952-8767.
If you enjoyed this issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a special piece for home or work, please forward it to your lucky friend!
If you’re really sureyou don’t want to receive MUSeINGS anymore, we’ll miss you, but we only want to send it to people who really want it. To unsubscribe, just hit reply or email mary@kevincaron.com with the subject “Unsubscribe MUSeINGS” with the email address to be unsubscribed either in the header or in the body of the email. Kevin’s lovely assistant will gladly fulfill your every wish (OK, just this one, but that’s one, anyway!).
CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. – Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – info@kevincaron.com – www.kevincaron.com |