Here’s news from Kevin Caron. Feel free to forward this ezine to your friends and other art lovers. If you don’t want to receive these emails, unsubscribe instructions are below. But read on, and maybe you’ll change your mind….

What’s New?

What’s What?

What Are Your Dreams?
There’s a lot of news this issue, so we’ll keep it short, but oh, it’s sweet!
As of January 1, Kevin became a full-time artist. This could not have happened without your support, so thank you for making it happen. And it’s a good thing, too, because Kevin is very busy.

At the end of 2005, Kevin was selected to create a piece for Riverview Park in Tucson. A meeting with the city, representatives from the Pima Arts Council and the president of the local homeowners association on January 25 gave him good direction for the piece. Once the design is approved, the project will move fairly quickly.
Kevin also is one of four finalists to create a piece for Tucson’s Kirk Bear Canyon Library. He met with several members of the selection committee last week and is already thinking through some ideas for their wonderfully remodeled and expanded facility.
On another front, Kevin will be speaking at the Arizona Artist Guild‘s Sculpture Group meeting, Tuesday, February 28 at 7 p.m. about creating an art career. The meeting will be held at Heather Green?s Studio, 623 E. Indian School Rd. in Phoenix (the SW corner of 7th Street and Indian School). For more information, contact us at info@kevincaron.com.
has found a new home, too. It was purchased by Bart Farris, M.D., of New Orleans. He and his wife saw Zounds at Pearson & Company, then called a month later to have it shipped to them for their personal sculpture garden.
Currently, Kevin is hard at work on a very nice commission to turn into a larger privacy screen for a Phoenix couple. To learn more about this project (which includes a fascinating twist by Kevin) and the Vortex fountain project, which is also under way, visit In the Works at www.kevincaron.com/art/in_the_works.html.
There are also a number of other irons in the fire that you’ll undoubtedly hear more about in the weeks to come. Speaking of which, we’re going to be sending out the newsletter a little more frequently than last year, so if it gets overwhelming, just let us know.
For more frequent news, sights and sounds, keep an eye on Kevin’s Web site at www.kevincaron.com, which we update often.
What is art?
There’s nothing like picking an easy topic for this newsletter.

Yet this is a question that often arises for artists and those who view their art. www.thefreedictionary.com (a wonderful resource) defines art as “Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.” Longfellow declared, “Art is power.” Indeed, through the centuries artists have changed the world through their work and also redefined art.
In fact, “art” has been expanded to include everything from decoration to illustration to performance pieces. Yet not everyone would agree about what art is. If something has utility, is it still art? Or must art be solely intellectually stimulating? Must it have meaning? Must it be pretty?
In his usual manner, Kevin is pretty quiet on this point, preferring to let his creations to speak for him. Most of his pieces do have some underlying meaning, although he seldom, if ever, rubs his viewers’ noses in it. Yet many people have spoken wistfully of escaping their current lives when regarding So Close.
Grace is a common attribute of his work, whether it’s the swooping swirl of Vortex or Zounds’ imposing stand. While “pretty” isn’t the term most people would use to describe his pieces, “beautiful” has been said more than once. Some of Kevin’s pieces – the caterpillars, in particular – make people laugh, and an amazing number of art aficionados have commented on the value of Kevin’s whimsical touches.
Whatever else art is or isn’t, Kevin’s work always seems to evoke some sort of response, to draw emotion from an often untapped well. And being able to do that could be in itself considered an art.
If you have a question, let us know – we might have an answer. Email us at info@kevincaron.com
If you’ve been looking for a way to make life more joyful and peaceful, a sculpture, fountain or garden bell might just be the ticket! Besides, you have an “in” – you
know the artist! And it’s easy: just email us at info@kevincaron.com or
call 602-952-8767.
If you enjoyed this issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a special piece for home or work, please forward it to your lucky friend!
If you’re really sure you don’t want to receive MUSeINGS anymore, we’ll miss you, but we only want to send it to people who really want it. To unsubscribe, just hit reply or email mary@kevincaron.com with the subject “Unsubscribe MUSeINGS” with the email address to be unsubscribed either in the header or in the body of the email. Kevin’s lovely assistant will gladly fulfill your every wish (OK, just this one, but that’s one, anyway!).
CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. – Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – info@kevincaron.com – www.kevincaron.com |