We’re writing to keep you informed of the activity in Kevin Caron’s studio and career. Feel free to forward this short ezine to other art lovers. If you don’t want to receive it in the future, just let us know – instructions are at the bottom. But read on, and you may change your mind….

What’s New?

What’s What

That Special Spot
Fall is shaping up beautifully for Kevin. October brings a show at Pearson & Company in Scottsdale and a feature article in Phoenix Home & Garden magazine.
The Pearson show opening will be Thursday, October 13 during one of Scottsdale’s famous Art Walks. If you live in the area and enjoy art, it’s the place to be on Thursday nights, what with music, food, wine and – of course – art of all kinds. Held at Pearson’s beautiful location at 7022 E. Main in Scottsdale, the show will run through November 6. We’ll have some more announcements about the show itself, and you’ll be the first to know about it – we’ll be sending out news to you as soon as the details are set.
Everyone is also looking forward to an article about Kevin in the October issue of Phoenix Home & Garden Magazine, the top publication in the Phoenix metropolitan area for beautiful Southwest living. Senior editor Roberta Landman, art director Brian Goddard and photographer Art Holeman were truly wonderful to work with through the process. Roberta really delved into Kevin’s mind, and Art captured the real Kevin on film. (When you see the photos, just keep in mind that the forge shots were done in July in Phoenix!)
We’ll also have a date soon for the opening of the Sculpture-on-Campus initiative at Tucson’s Pima Community College East Campus, where Aspire and DNA are both on exhibit. Again, we’ll be letting you know more about these two events – we’d love to have you attend!
Finally, with the fountain OXx already having found a home, Kevin is hard at work on the Balancing Bell (working title). To learn more about this towering tinkler, visit the Web site’s In the Works section at https://kevincaron.com/art/in_the_works.html. You can even hear its magnificent tone!
We’ll definitely keep you posted by email, and also keep an eye on the Web site at www.kevincaron.com, which we update often.
Why do some people find fountains irresistible?
Just like metal to magnets, some people cannot resist water. Some attribute this to astrology or ancient lore, but there are scientific reasons as well.

The ancients determined that four elements compose the universe: fire, earth, air and water. These became the cornerstones of science, philosophy and astrology. Often called the Aristotelian elements, they originated with an even earlier philosopher, the Sicilian aristocrat Empedocles of Acragas, according to John H. Lienhard, author of The Engines of Our Ingenuity and the Anderson Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and History at the University of Houston. Empedocles is best known for proposing that all matter is formed when the opposing forces of Love and Hate act upon the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. Using the four elements, Aristotle later created the foundation of chemistry.
People are clearly drawn to water, however, for other reasons. The sensory massage of water affects the ear, the eye and the sense of smell, as well as touch.Some appreciate the soothing sound of water trickling over rocks, or the sound of surf washing up a beach. Others like the glint of sunlight bouncing off the water’s surface, the scent of salt, or simply the silky feel of it slipping through their fingers – or even water’s buoyancy while they’re gliding through it during swimming. But there still is more to water’s attraction than these pleasures.
There are also health benefits of water in motion. Waterfalls, waves and evaporation create negative ions that have known health benefits. They’ve been credited with providing relief from sinus, migraine headaches, allergies and hay fever; reducing the severity of asthma attacks; enhancing the immune system; increasing alertness, work productivity and concentration; increasing lung capacity and reducing susceptibility to colds and flu. According to the Web site “The Health Benefits of Water,” up to 10,000 negative ions can be found near strong surf or close to a waterfall, but the number of negative ions in major capital cities at rush hour does not even reach 100.
So if you, or others you know, are dreaming of a fountain for your desk, garden or patio, now you know why!
For more information on water, check out the informative Web site at The Health Benefits of Water at http://www.health-benefit-of-water.com.
If you have a question, let us know – we might have an answer. Email us at info@kevincaron.com
It may be a corner of your garden, or your front walk, or maybe
even the courtyard at work that could use a peaceful fountain, a
bell or windchime, or maybe even a sculpture that reflects your tastes
and interests. You can think about it now, and Kevin can bring it to life
for your pleasure. It’s easy: just email us at info@kevincaron.com or
call 602-952-8767.
If you enjoyed this issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a special piece for home or work, forward it to your lucky friend!
If you’re really sure you don’t want to receive MUSeINGS anymore, we’ll miss you, but we only want to send it to people who really want it. To unsubscribe, just hit reply or email mary@kevincaron.com with the subject “Unsubscribe MUSeINGS” with the email address to be unsubscribed either in the header or in the body of the email. Kevin’s lovely assistant will gladly fulfill your every wish (OK, just this one, but that’s one, anyway!).
CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. – Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – info@kevincaron.com – www.kevincaron.com |