Kevin Caron

Get video super search in multiple languages!

TIG welding videos instant search - Kevin Caron

I’m super excited to offer you guides and bundles that take the usability of my videos to a whole new level:

I’ve teamed up with the folks at Retrieve to make my more than 600 videos even more useful to you!

  • Search WITHIN THE VIDEOS by text or voice
  • Available in English, French and Spanish
  • Consult privately with me

Each guide has 8 – 18 videos, all fully searchable by text or voice. Just type in the keyword you are looking for and “Poof!” back comes every where that word or term is mentioned.

You can go right to that section in the video to hear just what you want!

Currently, 3 guides about TIG welding, one of my most popular free how-to video subjects, are available for just $4.98 each, the price of a fancy coffee.

You can also buy a bundle of all 3 for only $12.50.

So what are you waiting for?!

Just go to to get your own!

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