Kevin Caron

How to Use the AHP Alpha 160ST Arc Welder

The UPS delivery guy just dropped a box for Kevin, who can’t wait to unpack it. Right on top is a manual, but as he says, “We’re guys,” and he sets it aside.

Next Kevin pulls out a lunchbox-sized 160 amp stick welder, AHP’s new Alpha 160ST. He points out that the plug is for 220, but the welder comes with an adapter so it can also be used with 110 power, making it a dual voltage machine. There’s a nice ground and a good stinger, or rod, holder. The stinger clamp has a nice spring to it so it ought to hold well, and it’s rated to 200 amps.

It’s time to fire it up, so Kevin plugs it into 220, has his stinger and ground plugged into the welder. He fires up the machine. On 220, the welder goes from 10 – 160 amps. You can useit in MMA, or stick mode, and it also has a TIG mode, so you can run a little scratch or lift start TIG torch off of this welder. Hook up a bottle of welding gas, run it right through the torch and you have a baby TIG welder!

Kevin has some 7018 1/8″ rod so he can weld some 1/8″ steel plate and see how the welder does. He sets the machine at 125 amps and has the 1/8″ plate clamped to the workbench. He tacks the two ends of the metal together, then turns down the amps a little before running a bead down the metal.

Kevin is impressed with what this little machine can do. It costs just $240, and you can buy it directly from AHP by calling 925-391-3599.

Before you go, stick around for at the end of the video to see something there are just no words to describe ….

See this video now ….

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