Kevin Caron

How to Stick Weld (Arc Weld) With the AHP AlphaTIG 200X

After considering where he’d put his fluffer, Kevin takes on a request from a participant who asked for a how-to video about stick welding with the AHP AlphaTIG 200X using 110 volts.

The welder is easy to set up for stick welding. Starting at top left on the panel, you make sure the toggle switch is set to stick instead of TIG, and set the next toggle to AC or DC, depending upon what type of stick you are using. Also set the welder to 2T with pulse off. Kevin will set the amperage when he fires up the machine.

To change the cables from TIG welding to stick welding, just twist off the TIG torch and disconnect the gas line, coiling the TIG torch out of the way.

Next, move the ground from positive to negative. Then attach the stinger (electrode holder) into the positive terminal.

Flip the switch and you’re ready to weld.

Kevin is using some 3/32 6011 welding rod and now sets the welder to 65 amps. He then runs a long bead.

After welding, he removes the small amount of slag with a hammer and a wire brush. “Not bad for a guy who doesn’t stick weld very often,” he says, looking at the weld.

He adds that 65 amps actually was a little warm with the 3/32 6011 rod on the 1/8″ steel – he probably should have used the next heavier rod size or turned down the amperage a little. At 110 volts, there was plenty of amperage.

Kevin recommends playing with the welder at these settings, then switching to AC to see what happens.

That will get you started. Just set up the welder properly, play with it, and practice – don’t forget to practice!

(Although you might want to wait until after you see Kevin ace his lines ….)

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