Kevin Caron

The Gigante is …. coming!

For several months now, I’ve been champing at the big to receive the giant delta-style 3D printer that Steve and Jacob Graber are making for me. It’s called the Gigante for good reason.

How giant is it? The printer itself is 8 feet tall. It will print an item 5 feet tall and 34 inches in diameter.

(The joke is that I can print my assistant, who is also known as The Voice in my videos. She is small but mighty, and I wouldn’t mind having more than one of her around.)

I just heard today that the Gigante is almost ready. Steve sent some photos and a note:

Some parts for the 8-foot-tall GIgante 3D printer

Steve explains, “Here are photos of the hotend platform and one of the vertical carriages for GIGANTE. These are PLA plastic for the time-being until I can get the aluminum ones CNC’d at the machine shop. That will happen hopefully before the end of the month. But these 3D printed ones will work great in the interim to get the GIGANTE delivered, they just aren’t a permanent set.”

I hope to take delivery next week.  You can bet you’ll hear – and see – more about this printer.

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