Kevin Caron

Adventures with 3D slicer software ….

Learning to use the Cerberus printer has opened my eyes not only to new hardware, but also to new software. I’m glad I’m getting a chance to learn this software before the Cerberus Gigante – which will be able to print sculptures 5 feet tall – arrives.

Jacob and Steve Graber, the geniuses behind Cerberus, turned me onto Repetier-Host, the printer interface, which allows the computer to talk to the printer. Even though Repetier has a built in slicer – which tells the printer how to create the layers – they recommend using a program called KISSlicer (yeah, that KISS is the one we’ve heard for years: “Keep It Simple … Slicer”).

Being the curious type, though, I wanted to see what the difference was between the Repetier-Host slicer and KISSlicer.

The difference was obvious – here’s a photo of a section using Repetier-Host’s slicer software:

A sample of a sculpture using the Repetier-Host slicer





… and here’s a photo showing the KISSlicer software:

A section printed using KISSlicer 3D printer software - Kevin Caron

A section printed using KISSlicer software






Everything else was the same, except the slicer software I used.

The printed material in the Repetier-Host sliced sculpture was very coarse, almost wafer-like. It snapped easily. Jacob Graber said it is because the printer head would print, move, then print again, while the KISSlicer software prints continuously.

That sample was hard and smooth – there’s no way I could snap it in two.

That little experiment confirmed: I’m sticking with KISSlicer, at least for now. Who knows what someone will develop next ….

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