Kevin Caron

September – October 2009






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MUSeINGS: News from Sculptor Kevin Caron

September – October 2009


Kevin Caron, balancing After Escher
Kevin Caron, balancing After Escher

Here’s news from Kevin
In this issue, we share details about an upcoming show, a visit to Colorado and a new gallery affiliation, what’s happening in the studio, and one way Kevin keeps things together. Read on!


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Time to Play: Solo Show Set for October

Kevin’s show “Free Play” is right around the corner. So if you live right around the corner, we look forward to seeing you at the opening on Thursday, October 15 or the reception on Saturday, October 17.

Once again, the event is being held at Pearson & Company in the heart of downtown Scottsdale, Arizona’s art district.

The show benefits Free Arts of Arizona, a nonprofit organization that sparks the creative spirit of abused, homeless and at-risk children through the power of self-expression. “It’s great to be able to help kids find strength within themselves,” Kevin says. “Free Arts of Arizona does great work, and I’m pleased to help.” Ten percent of all proceeds from the entire show, which runs through November 7, will be donated
to Free Arts of Arizona.

Kevin will be introducing some new pieces, including After Escher, Genome Project and BobbyPin. Of course, we’ll have refreshments, too.

Kevin and Free Arts of Arizona ambassadors will be in attendance on both Thursday night and Saturday afternoon, and look forward to visiting with you and answering any questions.


The Thursday night opening (October 15 from 7-9 p.m.) is part of Scottsdale’s famous ArtWalk, so there is lots to do in Scottsdale that night.

The Saturday reception (October 17 from 10 a.m. -3 p.m.), will provide plenty of time to see the new work and even more time to chat. “I love opening night, but Saturday is a little more laid back,” Kevin admits.

Pearson & Company is located at 7022 E. Main Street in Scottsdale. You can find a map for parking and more information about the show on Kevin’s Web site, or contact us at or 602-952-8767.


Colorado Shows, Gallery Attract Visit

An early August trip to Colorado proved fruitful for Kevin when he learned more about the Loveland sculpture shows and met with Denver gallery owner Becky Silver.

A tent at the Loveland Sculpture in the Park show

Loveland’s Sculpture in the Park, which is held in and benefits the Benson Sculpture Garden, and the Loveland Sculpture Invitational turn this modest Colorado town into an art lover’s heaven each August. After hearing about the shows for several years, Kevin and Mary decided to visit and learn more about the events. “Each show has its own charms,” Kevin observes. “It was amazing to see so much wonderful work.”

On the way to Loveland, Kevin had the opportunity to meet with the owner of the Aar River Gallery in Westminster, Colorado, part of greater Denver. Aar River is in a section of Westminster that is being anchored by a city arts center and is attracting artists and other galleries.

Inside the Aar River Gallery

Aar River Gallery is expanding to include an outdoor sculpture garden, so owner Becky Silver, who is also an accomplished painter, contacted Kevin online, leading to the gallery carrying his work.

“I’m really pleased to have my work showcased at this gallery,” Kevin says. “It’s a beautiful space and the other work there is excellent.”

For more information about Aar River Gallery, visit its site at


In the Press: From DC to PH&G

Kevin’s upcoming show “Free Play” got top billing in Phoenix Home & Garden’s October calendar. The show announcement filled the first page of the magazine’s calendar, with large photos of So Close and RustDevil. Phoenix Home & Garden is the Valley of the Sun’s premier style magazine.

Even though Kevin doesn’t live near Washington, D.C., Washington Woman magazine also found his work intriguing enough to include his windchimes in an article in its August issue.


In the Studio: BobbyPin Takes Shape

BobbyPin has an attitude

Kevin’s been working on a trio of new sculptures, including Cracked and Crowned, but the latest one has captured his attention for the moment. “Sometimes that happens,” Kevin says. “One piece or another will demand my attention, and BobbyPin has done just that.”

BobbyPin’s shape makes it look wildly different depending upon your vantage point. Kevin has hung – and swung – its bell already, and it has a sweet, deep tone.

With the stand’s skin now complete, Kevin is working on the finish, grinding and welding, welding and grinding. “This is the tedious part,” he admits.

You can see Kevin working on BobbyPin in his latest videocheck it out in the Videos section. Or visit BobbyPin’s page to see photos and additional short videos about creating the piece.



Is there anything cooler than tools? Kevin isn’t alone in loving the instruments that help him create his work. This issue, we’re focusing on a very simple device ….

Keeping It Together

When Kevin is lifting anything using a chain, he often reaches for a simple tool called a clevis.

A straight clevis

Clevises have two simple parts, a shackle, which is often shaped like a “U,” and a pin that fits through two holes in the open ends of the shackle. Sometimes a pin is fitted through the holes and secured with a cotter pin, while other times the pin and one hole in the shackle are threaded. Either way, the goal is to secure the pin, as it usually has a lot of weight on it.

There are many sizes of clevises – Kevin has one that is a foot tall – and several types, too. The most common is the straight clevis, but there is also a version with a twisted shackle that puts the rounded part of the shackle at 90 degrees to the pin. There are also specialty clevises for specific uses.

“I use these guys pretty often,” Kevin says. “When it comes to lifting things, they are invaluable.”

You can see a variety of clevises at the Red Hill General Store Web site.

If you’d like to
know more about a specific tool or process, let us know. Email
us at



Looking for a way to
make life more joyful and peaceful for yourself or a
friend who seems to have everything? A sculpture, fountain or
garden bell might just be the answer. Besides, you have an
“in” – you know the artist! And it’s easy: just email us at or
call 602-952-8767.

Kevin is glad to
provide a free consultation about your needs or, if you
prefer, you are welcome to visit his Phoenix studio. Just
email or
call 602-952-8767 – we’d love to see you!


For more frequent
news, sights and sounds, keep an eye on Kevin’s Web site at, which
we update often.


If you enjoyed this
issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a
special piece for home, work or as a gift for that person who
has everything, please forward it to your lucky

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CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. –
Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – –




“Inspired sculpture for public & private



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