Kevin Caron

May – June 2006




May/June 2006



Here’s news from Kevin Caron. Feel free to forward this ezine to your friends and other art lovers. If you don’t want to receive these emails, unsubscribe instructions are below. But read on, and maybe you’ll change your mind….


What’s New?

What’s What?

What Are Your Dreams?



Things have continued on an amazing pace since Kevin began devoting himself to his art full-time in January, thanks to the continuing support of his patrons and fans, old and new – including you! Thanks so much!

Kevin introduced Rust Devil at Art-in-the-Garden

Before sharing news of Kevin’s upcoming show, we wanted to share with those of you who weren’t able to make his last two appearances.

Berridge Nursery’s Art-in-the-Garden event was beautiful and fun. Yes, it was fascinating to see the attractive art of the other participants that day, but everyone was “competing” with the gorgeous blooms in the nursery. A lovely light breeze and striking blue skies made for a perfect Arizona day, and lots of people came out to enjoy the show. Kevin sold three pieces, saw old friends, and made new ones. Thanks to everyone at Berridge and Gordon James Public Relations for this delightful day.

Although it wasn’t a show as such, the appearance of Kevin’s work at a fundraising gala for Childsplay, one of the premier children’s theatre companies in the United States, was a huge hit. With a theme of “The Secret Garden,” the fountain Vortex and a number of Kevin’s caterpillars helped set the stage. The unexpected delight was the sale of three of Kevin’s crazy critters that night, with 30 percent of the proceeds going to Childsplay. Again, thanks to that wonderful organization for allowing us to “play” along with them!

Dripping Springs, the fountain commissioned by the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess resort for its Fragrance Garden, finally is installed at its new home. It had been running just a few minutes when a butterfly fluttered by, looking interested. To see a preliminary photo of Dripping Springs (before the landscaping is in place) and hear her sweet sound, visit In the Works at


What’s it like to be an artist? The students at Benson Primary School in Benson, Arizona, have been studying artists such as Michelangelo and Jackson Pollack. Now they’ve asked Kevin to talk with them about what it’s like to be an artist. “It’s humbling and exciting to think I may be influencing their futures,” says Kevin. Thanks to their teacher, Michele Determan, for the opportunity.

Xhilaration, the new piece for Riverview Park in Tucson, is nearly ready for installation! That should occur sometime in June.To see a pre-patina photo, visit In the Works.

Kevin has been chosen for a national juried art competition. As part of the competition, his work will be included in the book Best of America: SCULPTURE Artists and Artisans 2006.

So what’s coming up? Kevin will be having another show at Pearson & Company in Scottsdale. The dates are Thursday, October 20 and Thursday, October 26. We’ll keep you posted on the details, and we hope you can join us – last year’s events were truly enchanting evenings.

Finally, here’s some big news that we haven’t yet shared publicly – but then, you’re part of the family! It looks like Kevin has found a studio space. His offer on this wonderful location has been accepted, and as soon as all the paperwork has gone through, we look forward to sharing with you more information about it.


There are also a number of other irons in the fire that you’ll undoubtedly hear more about in the weeks to come.

For more frequent news, sights and sounds, keep an eye on Kevin’s Web site at, which we update often.



What do you mean when you say you take an “interdisciplinary approach” to your work?

Not having a formal art education can have its drawbacks, but its silver lining is not knowing what you “shouldn’t” do.

Many artists focus on one medium or style. For instance, they may only paint, and then only on canvas. Perhaps they only use, say, oil or acrylic or watercolor. Some sculptors work only in certain media, such as stone or metal or wood. These artists then may only use certain techniques, like a brush or a palette knife or hand tools.

Kevin, on the other hand, is inspired by the end product, then looks for the best way to create it. “In my mind, I see a picture of what I want to build,” he explains. “Then I just have to figure out what tools and techniques I need to do it.”

Knowledge gained from his background in aircraft maintenance equipment and foreign car repair are among the experiences he calls upon to find the best way to bring a piece to life. He also sometimes simply knows about certain approaches or he learns about them.

Two good examples are Tenacity, the decorative railing, and Xhilaration, the piece he’s building for Riverview Park in Tucson.


With Tenacity, he quickly realized that blacksmithing skills would be helpful. He joined a blacksmithing group and downloaded a book from the 1800s, then purchased a forge. That made creating the vines far easier and allowed him to create looks he might have not been able to achieve using the acetylene torch.

Now Kevin has used the principles he learned on the forge to do things like shape the top of Xhilaration, which was created by welding pieces of steel together. “Being able to heat and shape those sections makes the piece look better than if I tried to achieve the same look using the welder,” Kevin explains.

In addition to helping him see things differently, Kevin’s imagination has allowed him to stray beyond the bounds of the usual use of tools and techniques, one of the keys to making his work unique and engaging.


If you have a question, let us know – we might have an answer. Email us at



If you’ve been looking for a way to make life more joyful and peaceful, a sculpture, fountain or garden bell might just be the ticket! Besides, you have an “in” – you
know the artist! And it’s easy: just email us at or
call 602-952-8767.


If you enjoyed this issue of MUSeINGS, or you know someone who is looking for a special piece for home or work, please forward it to your lucky friend!


If you’re really sure you don’t want to receive MUSeINGS anymore, we’ll miss you, but we only want to send it to people who really want it. To unsubscribe, just hit reply or email with the subject “Unsubscribe MUSeINGS” with the email address to be unsubscribed either in the header or in the body of the email. Kevin’s lovely assistant will gladly fulfill your every wish (OK, just this one, but that’s one, anyway!).


CONTACT US: Kevin Caron – 5831 N. 46th Pl. – Phoenix AZ 85018-1236 – 602-952-8767 – –




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